Located in Rambirpora kehribal, 9 km from Islamabad (Anatanag), the majestic Martand Temple is an important archeological site (historical ruins) in India. Built to dedicate Sun God, it is second to the Konark Sun Temple (Orissa). This marvel piece of art and architecture was built by King Lalitaditya in the period between 7th to 8th centuries. The style and the skill exhibited in its construction of the temple are rare in the history of the world. The patterns and architectural styles of the temple have the close resemblance with the Greek. The temple has been built with huge and strong square of limestones and still stands imposing.

This ancient temple was attacked by Skinadar Butshikan. It took one year for him to fully damage and destroy this temple. However, ruins of today still evoke the architectural grandeur of this impressive structure.

Temples in Kashmir